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Buying your First Pistol: A Short Guide
Threads are popping up all over the place asking “what should I get? This or this?” or “which is best for me?” There are scores of them scattered on this forum alone. Each one weighing the pro’s and con’s of the selected sidearm.
While the majority of the community chimes in on their experiences and knowledge of said sidearm, ultimately it is up to Mister OP to make the decision FOR HIM/HER. WE, as in the Airsoft Canada Community, cannot make the decision for you. All we can offer you is our experiences and/or expertise- however negative and however positive they may be. Take it for what’s worth. Choosing the RIGHT sidearm can be daunting. We were all there before. We all asked the same question that Mister OP is asking now. What’s the best brand to look for? How durable is such and such? How much support does this sidearm have in terms of replacement parts? The list of questions can go on. I still remember my first purchase. I first heard about the term “airsoft gun” when I was living in the southwestern tip of Manitoba (Reppin’ Melita and Virden, yo!) quite a while ago. I was covering some story of some robbery that had gone down near our local grocery store. Upon further investigation, the gun used in the robbery was in fact an airsoft gun by some bored teen agers. In order for me to cover the story from all angles, I went into research mode and found out everything I can about the term “airsoft” and what it means “to airsoft”. That’s how it all began for me. The first airsoft gun I ever bought was a springer Glock (surprise, surprise) to learn and operate. Once I was ready to “upgrade”, questions began to pop up. And let me tell you, there were A LOT of questions. So for the newbie in you that is looking for your first gun, here are something’s to consider. “This is my first pistol. What should I expect?” First of all, if this is your first gun, expect airsoft “to be like the real thing”. Airsoft guns resemble their real steel counterparts and provide you with a close parallelism in terms of operation. They will give you a basic crash course in firearm safety handling and operation. So treat them with respect. When you ask a question on the forums and you get answers that you didn’t expect, take it openly and consider what is being said. Some members on this forum have vast amount of knowledge. It’s worth taking into account what they have to say… Anyways, here is a general overview of a few well known airsoft pistol manufacturers. Tokyo Marui: The Tokyo Marui is one of the most venerable creators of ANY airsoft guns in the current market. Most aftermarket companies cater their parts to Tokyo Marui’s specifications. As a result, Mister OP can look forward to many replacement parts. The Tokyo Marui platforms are so great that some companies have begun duplicating their technology/design. So if you can’t find a part, it’s possible for one to invest in a “fixer” of a gun and steal parts from that gun to install to the new gun. Though Tokyo Marui has been heralded as the be all and end all of airsoft guns, in many cases, their “clones” have surpassed them. Some clones out there do very well in terms of performance than their Marui counterpart. One of the things that Mister OP should consider when looking at Marui pistols are their plastickiness. They are made of plastic. This makes the gun lightweight. The tradeoff is that because the gun is made of plastic, the gun is lightweight. This means that the pistol has a natural pointability. As well, plastic guns have a higher rate of fire, a nice and crisp slide stroke, very good gas efficiency and hard kick. WEI-Tech: I find that the opinions WE’s line of pistols are 50/50. People like it and people hate it. In the past, WE have been to known whore out products that have a short lifespan. Mainly, their magazines were known to leak and guns known to have terrible gas efficiency. Plus, parts break after a couple of rounds down the barrel. One can’t help but to expect these kinds of issues when considering a WEI-Tech pistol. However, today’s WEI-Tech’s pistol products have been performing quite well. In fact, some people would even say that WE have redeemed themselves with their current line of products and are worth the big bucks. KU-Juan Works (KJ Works, KJW): Quote:
As an aside, here is a general characteristic chart of each model sidearm. ***Note: Once again, some of these characteristics listed may differ depending on the brand. In some of these cases, they may not hold true. I tried to be as general as possible but my subjectivity is showing. lol.**** here is a few revisions from ILLusion, a very respected gun builder: Quote:
-Reliable -Decent amount of aftermarket products -Working decocker -DA/SA action -Excellent ergonomics -Accurate -Good weight -Great grip angle -Grip is similar to an M9 HK USP -Great gas efficiency (KWA line anyways) -Has occasional lemons -Trigger is prone to breakage -SA/DA -Working decocker -Good ergonomics -Good weight -Decocker is prone to breakage -Good Kick -Accurate -Kick is on the low side “Why Do people keep telling me to research before making a purchase?” Knowing and being knowledgeable is always a good thing. When Airsoft Canada (…err Airsoft Canadians? lol) tell Mister OP to read, they are saying “Get some product information” for Mister OP’s benefit. They are saying “know some ins and outs of the product you are interested in”. They are saying to have a general overview of how the gun works and functions. It is this expectation of Mister OP that helps the community give much richer answers than say…”KWA is best”. When Mister OP asks “What do you think I should get”, while it’s not futile to ask this, Mister OP will receive an answer like “Well, try the gun out” or the response will be some obscure link to a product review. The community does this to inform Mister OP so that Mister OP will ask a very specific question like “I heard that KWA is gas efficient. How many magazines can I shoot after each charge?” To which he’ll get the answer “2-3 mags worth” or “It does very well. I can get x-amount before mine runs out”. Not only did Mister OP get a much more beneficial answer but also he can ask follow up questions therein. One of the best ways of researching is through the… wait for it… uhh…Internet? Most of the pro’s and con’s of a particular airsoft pistol can be found online through reviews. In fact, there is a review section of this forum that seem to go unnoticed at times and it’s a great source of information for people looking for opinions. Most reviews will also outline the basic features of the pistol Mister OP is after. The only thing to be wary about is duration of ownership. Most reviews operate on the first impression basis. Mister OP will have not have a report on the durability of said pistol because the information will be not present. In addition to reading, researching can also involve watching videos. It’s fun! Plus Mister OP can see how the gun operates. Researching also provides you with general information when you are at a shop and ready to buy. Knowing information gives you power. It will give you the power the wade through the bullshit sales pitches that reps will try to feed you. With the knowledge you gain from researching, you will be able to ask specific questions that pertain to your gun. This gives you the power to tell whether or not the sales associate is: 1). Competent or not in terms of his product knowledge 2). If he is being honest with you 3). IF he just wants to make a sale Let’s be honest, we wouldn’t buy a car from a lousy salesman that knows absolutely nothing about the car in question would we? And if we were going to, we’d already have made up our minds anyways through our online reading… “What should I be asking the shopkeep before I make a purchase?” The main thing you should always ask when you’re dealing with professional airsoft businesses is warranty. How long is your gun covered for and what is covered. What is the return policy? Is there even a warranty on THAT gun? Basically, the business end of a transaction. Some shops may or may not have a warranty plan but it helps to know what service you’ll be entitled to once you make a pick up a gun. If you have a specific gun in mind and the shop carries this model, politely ask if you may handle said gun. Airsoft shops are among one of the friendliest people on the sales industry. It’s most likely that the guns on display are fondled on a daily basis anyways. If you’re there to solidify a choice between different models, fondle all of them. Ask the shop owner what customers are saying about the guns you are considering buying. What does the shop think of it? What kind performance does it have? Have they tested the guns for quality control? How does the gun operate? How is the consumption of gas on THIS thing and THAT thing? If they give you an answer that matches up to what you’ve read, you’ll know, at the very least, that this person KNOWS what he/she is talking about. When you are at the counter, ask the attendant to dry fire the gun for you so can observe how it functions. Some shops will even chrony the gun right in front of you. I think that’s great. Not only does it show that the gun is functioning at the time of purchase but it also shows you how the gun operates. Things like the kick of the gun, the velocity reading , RPMS(?), how he handles the gun are all shown with this short but very important and informative test. “What about buying online? How do I wade through the bullshit?” The best practice to buying online is always to read information about your desired platform. Buying online opens the market a little bit but limits the buying experience greatly as you’ll only have pictures and product descriptions to look at. However, there are things that you can do in order to get a full product description from the retailer or individual: 1). Call the store/person directly If you are miles or province(s) away from the physical location of the shop you are trying to buy, call them directly. Ask to speak to someone about the product in question and ask as many questions as possible. Get the salesperson’s name. Take notes to what he says to you. Write everything down. Hang up the phone. Sit on it for a couple of days and call back. Ask for the same person you were speaking to. Don’t remind them who you are. The point is to get as much of the same answers as you got on your first phone call. 2). Ask for A LOT of pictures If you’re dealing with a private sale (not through a retail store), ask the person you’re dealing with to send as many pictures as she/he can. Make sure that you tell that person to make clear pictures so that you are not mislead. Always take down the name and address. Even ask for their phone number and email address. This is just for your protection should the gun you receive has been horribly mis-represented during the transaction or if he/she decides to run off with your hard earned cash. It doesn’t hurt to ask for a video as well. Think of it as a quality control measure. "I don't have an airsoft shop near me. How can I try out the gun that want to buy?" This is where you'd have to do the most amount of researching. Because you can't physically hold the gun you want, you should be reading and watching videos as much as possible. At the very least, you can make observations. How is the gun being handled? How is the gun performing? What you're looking for when you're reading things is not only the positives but more importantly, the negatives. Are these negatives something you can get past? If you're serious about your airsoft career, you should show up to game event. In some cases, most events will have the gun you want. At the very least, going to an event will give you some options. Maybe you'll find and a gun that surpasses the one you want. “What should characteristics should I be looking for when I’m handling the gun that I want to buy?” When you are handling a gun, there are keynotes that you should be making mentally. These are but not limited to: 1). Ergonomics How does the gun “feel”? How are the controls? Can you reach them with your fingers? Do you like the trigger stroke? How do you like the grip on this gun vs. that gun? Are the controls getting caught on things when you’re moving around on the gun? Do you like how heavy it is? These are all things that will impact your experience with your chosen platform. Ergonomically, make sure that your gripping the pistol grip comfortably. Make sure that you can access each control. If it helps you, bring a glove with you and try gripping the gun with it on. While most people like the weight of a heavy pistol, keep in mind that depending on what type of game you’re playing, you may have to keep the weapon drawn at all times. Having a heavy gun is not necessarily a good thing. If you have to lug it around all day, it can become cumbersome and you’ll tire easily. As you tire more and more during the duration of the event, you’ll tend to want to drop your arms. It’s like how some UFC fighters drop their hands after round 3 or 4. They can no longer defend themselves. 2). The Sight plane Do you like the sight plane? Do you like the stock sights installed on THAT gun? Testing how you see the target using the iron sights is important. It will determine how easily you can pick up your target at any given moment. Try sighting in and pointing the gun if you are able. 3). Operation/Functionality Do you like how the gun kicks? Is the slide stroke fluent? Do you like the trigger stroke? Consider how you would operate the gun and how you intend to use it. It should line up with how the gun is demo’d in front of you. 4). Power Source Consider what power source is recommended for the gun. Some guns, like Tokyo Maruis or Maruzens, have a recommendation that an operator should use duster gas as a power source. While KSC/KWA, WEI-Tech use propane/green gas to power their guns. KWJ can use both CO2 and propane. Consider also how readily available each power supply is in your area. For example, are you able to get CO2 canisters fairly easily? Also consider how costly each power source is.. 5). Craftsmanship/Quality Is the craftsmanship relatively decent? That is, does it feel like a toy or does it feel like a “gun”? Consider what material the gun is made out of. Mister OP should be asking what parts of the gun is made of plastic and what parts are made of metal (in general). Ask the person if you can take a look at the internals of the gun and make a note of which part looks brittle and how if such a part is attainable if it breaks. If you’re buying online, ask for detailed photos during your transaction. Even ask for a video tour if need be. “How come these guns are so expensive compared to those guns?” Pricing in Canada has never been this good. I can remember buying my KSC USP Compact (with and SD Kit installed) from an ASC retailer two years ago that cost me $520. These days, the same basic set up cost $200 at a certain airsoft shop. Crazy! But even at these prices, there are still retailers advertising their guns at the $300+ range. It’s hard to answer this question from my perspective, as I’m not a retailer. However, I sometimes get asked to build guns for other people. And usually the final prices are marked up quite a bit. The reasons why I’ve done this are: 1). To cover the cost of importation/shipping fees for parts 2). To cover the cost of acquiring the base gun 3). To cover the cost of parts themselves So, why are guns more expensive than others? Simply put, it’s because of the importation and shipping fees...at least for me. Some retailers may want to chime in. I’m sure there are other factors that determine their price point for a part or product. “Where can I get this gun?” Being age verified in this forum gives you the best access to the best selection of guns in Canada. Some of the stuff that I see on there are so good and rare that I can’t pass it up. The prices in the Classifieds section are also below current retail prices. MOST guns also come pre-kitted with extra little things like a metal slide and barrel set or some cool sights. The seller will often at times give you some spare parts as an added bonus. The downside? None if you can get past the fact that they’ve been used. Most sellers are honest with their product. But I find that if a buyer doesn’t ask all the right questions, he/she will be misled and the product they had hoped to receive is not what it seemed. So ask questions if you’re buying from the Classifieds. Outside of the forums, it’s no secret that airsoft guns are being sold in Canada. While the forum restricts me from listing websites, I can only suggest that Mister OP take into consideration what we’ve spoken about so far. The best practice for buying online is to always read a hefty amount of information pertaining to your desired sidearm. Then, if possible, query the online webshop about any concerns you have. Remember; be very specific with your questions. Most online shops are very busy and they will not want a dilly-dally generic question to answer. “Should I buy used or new?” You don’t always need to buy a new a gun. Though a brand new gun operates better than a completely decked out gun, it does have distinct advantages: 1). A new gun will have a better fitment in its stock form Rolling out of the factory, the gun’s part is mated to each component better than Mister OP’s attempt at upgrading. When Mister OP tries to upgrade a gun, he ruins the tolerances these parts. This is because, not all aftermarket parts hold the same specifications as the stock ones. As a result, Mister OP has to do whatever he feels he needs to do in order for the part to function. This could mean over sanding the part and having a loose fitting, for example. A slide can have the worst wobble in the world but as long as it works, it’s deemed “perfectly OK” by the seller. 2). A brand new gun + a brand new (new to airsoft) operator = great learning experience For the Mister Ops out there that are looking to learn about the principles behind how an airsoft pistol operates, a new gun will provide that platform. A new gun will give Mister OP the opportunity to take the time and learn how to upgrade an airsoft pistol. He gains the knowledge of how to maintain an airsoft pistol, learn about it’s components, learn how they should function and how to install newly acquired parts. A brand new and untouched airsoft pistol should be the way to do this because Mister OP will get a fully functioning gun. He will be happier because he is less likely to encounter any hidden misfortune than when he buys a used gun. That is, he is less likely to get a gun with missing or broken parts. This is just two of the reasons. I can go on but I just don’t want to type anymore. However, buying a used gun isn’t a bad thing either. It also holds some very distinct advantages over buying a new gun. These are: 1). Buying a used gun has a great price point. Again if Mister OP can get past the idea that the gun has already been used, he can get a steal of a deal on the gun he wants. Most times, in the Classifieds, people are willing to part with any extra parts they’ve accumulated throughout their duration of ownership of the pistol. Some parts may be brand new and never been used altogether. 2). Just because it’s used it doesn’t mean it’s a shit storm of a gun There are used guns out there that are in pristine condition. Hardly any scratches or scuff marks at all. Though it may have seen heavy use, the gun can look like it’s in immaculate condition. Even it’s internals. This is why it’s important to ask for pictures during the transaction. Case in point, I personally bought a used Marui 226. The previous operator took good care of it. He upgraded the system with a full metal unit and upgraded internals and hand controls. He gamed it hard. It was hard to believe that when I got the gun, there were only a few scuffmarks from his holster…and they weren’t even noticeable. Gave me four mags and the extra parts to boot. The total asking price was and insane $450. That, to me, was a steal considering the FMU Kit was almost the same price as the stock gun. So, the deal is out there. Mister OP just has to look. …and get age verified ![]() Upgraded guns VS A Used Gun Just to be clear, there is a fine line between an upgraded gun and a used gun. An upgraded gun may not necessarily be used in the same manner as a "used" gun would be. It could simply mean that the gun has gone through a testing phase to ensure that all parts are melded properly with each other. This could mean that the gun has not seen any action just yet. When I say used gun, I mean a gun that has seen action. A gun that has been in out of holsters. A gun that has been dropped a few times. A gun that has that a some scratches on the body of the magazine from insertion. A gun that has some new sights installed because the stock ones fell out during operation. A gun that has been plinked extensively. That's what I mean. So there is a difference. “Why would I consider knowing if a gun is supported with aftermarket stuff if I don’t intend on souping my gun up? Why would I even bother upgrading the gun I’m thinking of getting?” Upgrading guns is like an addiction for some people. I fall victim to this, as most of my guns don’t remain in stock form. However, before purchasing a gun, you have to consider the support you will receive with your gun. That is, if a part breaks, is there a company out there that sells a replacement? Or will you be stuck with a broken gun forever? For what it’s worth, Mister OP doesn’t NEED to upgrade his gun unless a part breaks. Other things to consider: 1). COST, COST, COST! Always keep a steady budget some extra cash. There are things that will need to purchased along with the gun. Here are a few: -A few extra mags can’t hurt -A gas adapter -BB’s -Some sort of transport bag -Lubrication -Holster -BB loader? …and whatever stupid crap you’d like to attach to your gun (lights, lasers, CMOREs, MRDS, Compensators, strike kits, etc, etc…) 2) Compatibility with other gun parts While you’re doing your research for said pistol, it can’t hurt to know if some parts from an identical gun from a different manufacturer can be installed in your original choice. This will help in the long run should one part of the gun break and you cannot find a suitable replacement. 3) The initial FPS output of the gun you want to buy Depending on how hot that sucker is, it may not be admissible in some games. Make sure that the pistol you want has the ability to simmer down if it shoots at a high velocity. Looks for guides and products on how this can be done with your pistol in mind. “So, which gun should I get? I. Honestly. Don’t. Know. Ultimately, it’s down to Mister OP’s preferences. No one can tell him what is right for him but him. Final Remarks: Hope that helps. For added reading, please read the stickied posts on this forum. There are scores of relevant information that will assist you in your choice. Here: No You Can't Import Guns Prices For the CLassifieds New players - Navigating ASC - Surviving Your First Game and other essentials Also don’t forget about the search function on this forum. If you are looking to compare guns, chances are, someone already asked THAT question. So Search for it. So...go fourth Mister OP. Read as much as you can. THen post your concerns here on this forum. Someone will be with you shortly. -e
"May you fight with the strength of ten full grown men." Last edited by e-luder; May 7th, 2013 at 23:58.. |
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#2 |
Likes it BOLD attention whore MAXIMUS!
This post should be 100000% stickied to the FAQs
Extremely well done E-luder... Rock on! |
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#3 |
Great thread!
Your rating of WE is really good reference for those inexperienced air softer. Re: the airsoft gun price, I still don't quite understand how come a stock TM PX4 exceeds $400, and a WE pistol still doubles the price in Asia. Hopefully retailers can follow the pricing level of AEGs. |
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#4 |
A guide to people buying their first airsoft pistol
Step 1: Buy a TM airsoft pistol Step 2: Use it Step 3: Never need a second pistol because you didnt cheap out the first time Step 4: Happiness |
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#5 | |
There can be things like the cost of renting out the space for their shop and all other expenses that come with the building. They have to deal with things like the basic upkeep of keeping the physical location running. Fixing broken light fixtures, dealing with Interact terminals, even banking fees or the cost to pay out employees. Theres a myriad of things. I dunno. Again, I can't answer this question because I'm not in their shoes. ...and the funding for all these things have to come from somewhere. At the end of the day, it's still a business and they have make money to cover these costs. The difference between what they do and what I do is that I don't have these things to contend with. I don't have rent costs or storage costs or labour cost. But because I'm buying parts at storefront value, I have to mark up the price to cover everything. ...and I don't even make a profit out of doing the upgrades. lol.
"May you fight with the strength of ten full grown men." Last edited by e-luder; May 5th, 2013 at 20:09.. |
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#6 |
Green Synergy
I'll say, going TM would have saved me a lot of money.
WE Hi-Capa > KSC Glock 17 > KSC M9 Tactical > KSC Glock 17 > TM RWC Glock 17 |
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#7 |
Great write-up!
I'm curious though as to why you link to a hopelessly outdated sticky regarding importations. It would be one thing if there was a section that said, "Pistols? Muzzle energy too low. Fuggedaboutit." but it's just the old "Nothing can be imported, ever." mantra. ![]() Even better, it's actually a threat of a ban for talking about it, then the old "all airsoft are replicas" misinformation. |
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#8 | |
GBB Whisperer
Some changes & corrections I would make to the platform list.
First, I would indicate that most of this platform list you've made is specific only to Tokyo Marui versions, because many of the points you've made do NOT hold true for many other brands of similar platforms. Even the clones of the Marui product do not necessarily hold true, primarily in the "durable/robust" department, and secondary in the "bajillion parts available" - most clones are only 90% compatible. For example, the 1911 platform is the most widely replicated system (it's equivalent to the M4 in terms of wide spread replication and various systems available for it.) Off the top of my head the following brands of the 1911 are available, representing core platforms: - Western Arms (and there are multiple versions available under this brand) - MGC - Tokyo Marui - KJW - KSC/KWA - WE - Marushin - Tercel - Tanaka Works - G&G ... that list doesn't even include the dozen or so China clones, and many other off branded custom built versions. In general, almost all of those brands are incompatible with each other due to proprietary systems. Quote:
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#9 | ||
I never realized this until you brought it up. lol. I forgot about the Western Arms stuff. lol. I tried to make this as general as possible but I guess my bias is showing like a glaring pair of bodacious tits. I chose these pistols because they are the most used platforms under the most readily available brand in most Canadian webshops. I suppose I worded the whole section the wrong way. I will revise. Thanks Brian! Quote:
However, your statistic of "90% compatible" is what warranted me to put this on there. Though I'm not normally a proponent of stating that clone parts can be used in the gun it's cloned from, but I felt that it was worth a mention. "90%" is still a pretty good statistic in my book. I was going to omit this section altogether as most of the information, if not ALL the information, IS subjective. But I wanted to provide a perspective... or ONE perpective.
"May you fight with the strength of ten full grown men." |
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#10 |
Perfect thread for this !! Helped me out a lot thanks !!
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#11 |
Great Read Thanks!
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#12 |
Hey E,
Your inbox is full tried to send you a PM ![]()
"Strength and Honour, Faith and Fury. In these four principles is Life defined and Victory achieved." https://www.facebook.com/pages/Bad-K...8&ref=bookmark |
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#13 |
tokyo marui this, tm that....pfffft get a cheap kwc and learn to make it last
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#14 |
Nice 2 year necro. TM vs KWC? LOL yeah sure bud.
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#15 |
Prancercise Guru
KWC Mini-UZI rokz!!!!
All hail Mexican carry.
Airsoft, where nothing is hurt but feelings. |
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