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Tactics, Techniques and Procedures

View Poll Results: What is the condition of your gun while not engaging other players
Gun is on Safe 139 46.80%
Gun is on Semi 77 25.93%
Gun is on Auto 40 13.47%
pfft, I dont even put a mag in the well until I need to! 41 13.80%
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Old August 30th, 2009, 10:28   #31
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Safety is ON whenever I'm in transit- back to base, respawn, safe area.

If I am in the field, in play- my finger is the only safety. When split seconds count, and I never know when I may encounter an opposing player, I'm not going to be messed up by forgetting to turn safety off.

I just remember 2 personal rules:

1. Never point your gun at anything that you are not willing to shoot. (Always be aware, like with RS, "if this gun went off right now, what would it hit?")

2. The most important safety is your finger. (Rest it on or above the trigger guard, pull it into position only when ready to fire- this takes about .002 seconds)
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Old September 15th, 2009, 21:39   #32
airsoft newbie
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semi for me... dont want to be attacked and then forget about the safety. also, if i do accidentally pull the trigger, its just one bb flying out not 20 if it were on full auto
Originally Posted by Cheeseduck
Stealth in airsoft is like getting a "hummer", as long as your teammates keep their head down and keep moving they are safe...but as soon as they lift their head past the "bush" they get a blast of white stuff right to the face.
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Old September 15th, 2009, 21:55   #33
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When on the field and not expecting combat my AR is on safe.

If expecting contact, i switch to semi.

Rarely on auto.
Originally Posted by Mr.Shiney View Post
Yes it is hard to find an Instructor that teaches how to Finger, Suck, Squeeze and Blow all at the same time.
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Old September 15th, 2009, 23:14   #34
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Originally Posted by Ronan View Post
When on the field and not expecting combat my AR is on safe.

If expecting contact, i switch to semi.

Rarely on auto.
So what your saying is that your AR never leaves your house?

Cool thanks.
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Old September 16th, 2009, 00:22   #35
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if anyone's seen Magpul Dynamics, both Costa and Travis actually flick off/on the safety after every small engagement.

I found that quite neat. It's an excellent demonstration of their proficiency in the armalite weapon.

However that being said, I only have my safety on when I'm not expecting contact. I believe this is pretty much the same for everybody with minimal common sense.
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Old September 16th, 2009, 10:50   #36
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Originally Posted by Skladfin View Post
if anyone's seen Magpul Dynamics, both Costa and Travis actually flick off/on the safety after every small engagement.

I found that quite neat. It's an excellent demonstration of their proficiency in the armalite weapon.

However that being said, I only have my safety on when I'm not expecting contact. I believe this is pretty much the same for everybody with minimal common sense.
Military training makes me keep on safe when not on target. It's just something i keep in practice with airsoft.... especially after i won a 1 on 1 game with my brother when he shot himself in the foot while running from me......
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Old September 16th, 2009, 11:10   #37
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It's second nature to put the weapon selector to fire when preparing to shoot...because it's on safe otherwise.

Once you've built putting the selector into fire (semi first typically) as part of the movements of bringing the weapon up to becomes so quick it's not something thought of consciously. Having your thumb resting close (or on) the selector lever as it's in safe makes it really convenient to flick it to semi as you close your strong hand grip for aiming/firing.

On the other end of the firing sequence, if you practice putting your rifle into safe everytime your bring it down out of aim/firing position...then you never f*ck up your aiming sequence.

Doing never should have to guess as to what satus your rifle is in (i.e. fire? or safe?) know that when it's not shouldered it's safe...when you're ready to fire it's on fire. You don't have to look, glance, peek at it. You don't have to worry/sweat that your rifle is going to go off as you creep/crawl through the brush.

And as the best side product of doing it this way...the rifle is on safe (not the safest condition, but at least safer than ready-to-fire) when you're moving/hanging with your teammates. Shooting them on purpose when it's called for is one thing ...shooting them accidentally just makes you look like an idiot.

I'm more of an armalite this is pretty natural for M4's and similar with my FAL. I guess that it'd be different to do with an AK since the selector typically has to be manipulated with the off hand and requires contorsions or turning the rifle over.
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Old November 12th, 2009, 13:58   #38
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I don't have my gun yet, so this is only what I think I'll do. If I feel I won't encounter somebody for whatever reason, it'll ben on safe. But if just might encounter a bad guy, I will have it on semi, but finger off the trigger, alongside the trigger guard. I would not put the gun on full auto, unless I feel it would really be necessary. I would set in to auto in the heat of battle, and put it back on semi as soon as I don't need auto anymore.
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Old November 13th, 2009, 08:53   #39
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Originally Posted by Blackthorne View Post
Gun up on target, safety off, gun down, safety on.

It's muscle memory, you just need to practice it.
I guess it's a good thing that I did this right off the bat. I even wondered if it was normal at the game I went to.

Started looking around to see what was "right."
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Old November 13th, 2009, 21:08   #40
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I am always on the Safety unless i really know there will be shit hitting the fan right now lol.

When i see a contact i switch to semi then back to safe.
I wont shoot myself in the leg like that
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Old November 14th, 2009, 15:39   #41
Ghost Nine
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In my first game, I lost the opportunity to score my first kill because my gun was on safety. I pressed as hard as I could on the trigger thinking it was broken until we both surrendered ourselves and I realized that my gun was on safe.

So now, I keep my gun between safe and semi. Most of the time when I going through really difficult terrain (which is most of the time), I keep it on safe. Its only when I know someone (friend or foe) is close by that I switch over to semi. I don't understand the people who have to use auto when semi is good enough. Guess they just want to inflict pain to piss someone off or waste money on bbs that could be used for other/more kills in the future (but that's coming from a poor full-time student).
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Old November 14th, 2009, 15:43   #42
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mines always on safe unless im about to shoot and thats just because ive been lit up too many time in safe zones. and because its good practice.
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Old November 16th, 2009, 00:10   #43
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gun on auto, finger alongside the trigger guard. if you know where your muzzle is pointed, and your finger is off the trigger, then i think a safety is pointless when your on patrol or moving to contact. it'll put one more barrier between you and shooting the enemy. of course at the same time its a good idea when your covering rough ground or crossing a fence etc.

of course we're talking about airsoft here so its a lot more fuckitwhynot than anybody carrying rs would be.
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Old November 16th, 2009, 08:01   #44
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Yeah with RS it's damned important as a branch or your vest my fire your weapon and kill your buddy. In airsoft no real big to do what Flea_ish said.... though good practice to use safeties.
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Old January 19th, 2010, 04:47   #45
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Common practice to keep wepon on safe and mag out in safe zones, they may not be RS but accidents still happen (had a buddy take a round in the eye cause of an NG). In combat, what ever works, personally keep safety on unless expecting contact, and finger outside the guard.
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